Government Shutdown has Centex Farmers Waiting to Apply for Aid
The partial government shutdown is the reason for the sign on the door at the Farm Services Offices of the USDA leaving Central Texas farmers unable to take advantage of assistance offered in the 2018 U.S. Farm bill.
Laramie Adams of the Texas Farm Bureau in Waco told KWTX News 10 "I think that if you go and visit with some of our farmers and ranchers a lot of them they're gonna tell you their support of what's going on right now in order to try to get something done for border security even if it does mean sacrificing some as far as the FSA office has been closed or whatever it might be."
One concern is that the deadline to file for aid is January 15th. The good news is that farmers will be given an extension for however many days the government was shut down.
The farming economy has been on the decline in recent years making assistance written into the farm bill something area farmers and ranchers are counting on.