Copperas Cove ISD officials have responded to a threat found painted on the side of a business Friday evening.

KCEN-TV reported Saturday morning that the words "I'm going to shoot up Copperas Cove High School on 3/20/17" were found scrawled on the wall of a car wash on Casa Drive.

In a statement posted to Facebook, Cove ISD said they are aware of the threat, and that Cove police are investigating.

"The district has been engaged in discussions with CCPD," the statement reads, "and it will be providing an enhanced police presence at the high school campus on Monday. Be assured that in partnership with CCPD, CCISD is preparing to take actions to make sure our students and staff remain safe at all campuses on Monday and through the remainder of the school year. Student and staff safety continue to remain our top priority."

The statement did not specify what measures police would be taking at Cove High as part of their "enhanced presence". The question was raised in the comment thread of the Cove ISD Facebook post, but there had been no reply at the time of this article's publication.

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