Being in the broadcast industry you would think I have a handle on almost everything that goes out from the media these days. The truth is, there is so much television that it's very difficult for me to keep up.  I'm sure there are things that I know about on TV that if I were to mention it, you  might not have any idea what I'm talking about either. That's perfectly fine: this is the era of individual choice (Still, I kind of wince when I hear people I work with have never seen an episode of Law and Order or any of the Star Wars barbarian can you get?!).

That being said, here's the confession: I have never seen the show Fast N'Loud, and I have no idea who Richard Rawlings is or what he looks like.  Apparently, however, he's on the Discovery Channel and is kind of a big deal to quote Ron Burgundy.  He even has a book by the same name as his show.

The Twin Peaks in Harker Heights has been empty since late last year, which surprised few after an unpleasant incident at the Twin Peaks in Waco that goes better left unsaid. Now this guy Rawlings has bought the property and is going to open his own establishment.

In a post on his Facebook page, Rawlings posted about job opportunities for Harker Heights residents. His new restaurant is doing some major hiring.

Bringing jobs to the area: you could be a Kardashian and I'd give you a big thumbs up for bringing opportunity for our community. Not to insult you by comparing you to that bunch, especially being a Texas guy taking care of Texas people. Get as fast and loud as you want, you deserve it.

By the way, Richard's book is on sale at

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