It's a partnership that goes back more than 50 years in America...your local fire department and the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) for the Fill-the-Boot Campaign.

The firefighters love this time of year because they get to go out in the community and interact with the public without having to deal with an emergency. So make sure to stop by the Temple Walmart on 31st Street to say hello and drop a couple of bucks in the boot for a great cause.

Be mindful of your jewelry though! Remember earlier this year when firefighters found a diamond engagement ring in the boot?

MDA is dedicated to curing muscular dystrophy, ALS and related diseases by researching worldwide to find a cure. The folks at MDA and ALS provide healthcare and support services, education and so much more for patients. The MDA has clinics for both children and adults in Texas who are dealing with neuromuscular issues.

Fill the Boot to Fight Muscular Dystrophy 01

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