Texas Highway Named Most Dangerous in America
I-45 in Houston has been named the most dangerous highway in the United States.
KTRKTV Houston shared a report from Popular Mechanics naming I-45 in Houston the most dangerous stretch of roadway in America. The publication says it doesn't exactly know why it's so hazardous, but the statistics don't lie.
The other stretch of highway is US Route 175 with 0.7 deaths per mile. Almost half of those happen in the Dallas area.
We have our share of accidents on I-35 here in Bell County, but this is one list I don't want us to make anytime soon.
Be safe and sensible on the roadways. Don't text and drive, never get behind the wheel when you're not 100% sober, stick to the speed limit, and watch out for other drivers. If someone's drinking like a maniac, try to move away from them if it's safe to do so and slow down to give them plenty of space.