We're getting very close to the spooky Halloween season and while this Halloween will surely be massively different than before, there's still some traditions that are still in place.

One such tradition is the annual Keep Copperas Cove Beautiful Halloween Decorating Contest. Since most of you are stuck at home anyway, you can get the whole family into the Halloween spirit without having to go "trick or treating".

KCCB Halloween Decorating Contest Flyer 2020

To enter the contest simply email nominations to Roxanne Flores-Achmad at kccb@copperascovetx.gov, complete with name, address, phone number, and one each of a daytime and evening photo, or a 15 second video clip. Nominations will be accepted from October 2 through October 24th. KCCB commission members will serve as judges and certificates will be awarded to the top three winners.

Questions regarding the contest should be directed to Roxanne Flores-Achmad, KCCB Executive Director, at rflores-achmad@copperascovetx.gov or (254) 547-4242.

Good luck and have fun decorating with the family!

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