I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 4/25/13

The five living presidents gather in Dallas for the dedication of the
Bush Library – and what an amazing contrast.  Jimmy Carter is
remembered for incompetence, botched Iran policy and the Camp David
Accords.  The first President Bush said “read my lips – no news taxes”
– and then gave us new taxes. Bill Clinton’s presidency was rocked by
scandal.  George W. Bush – whatever his faults – was a man of
conviction in a time of crisis.  He called the enemy what it was.  He
did what he had to do to protect his county.  In retrospect, some of
it will pass the test of history and some won’t.  His successor cannot
utter the words “Islamic terrorism” and has classified d the Fort Hood
jihadist massacre as “workplace violence.”  I DO, as a matter of fact,
miss some things about W. Like the way he cut taxes.   What we have in
office now is a stark reminder that things can always get worse.  And
they have.

Join me online at BeLogical dot com.  Until next time, be logical.

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