Open Mic Poetry Night Returns to the J Kowboy Wine Bar in Downtown Temple Wednesday, August 22
On Wednesday, August 22, Discover Downtown Temple invites you to The Word - a monthly open mic poetry night hosted at J Kowboy Wine Bar in Downtown Temple.
The event at 13 E. Avenue B is free and open to the public, but guests will be responsible for their own drink purchases.
“Stop by for a glass of wine, and let’s unwind from the day with a little poetry,” said Nancy Glover with Temple’s Convention & Visitors Bureau. "I’m looking forward to seeing everybody again this Wednesday to see what everybody has prepared.”
Discover Downtown hosts this monthly poetry night as an effort to help foster a creative atmosphere as Temple’s Downtown continues to grow.
Everyone is encouraged to bring their own original poetry and prose or simply share a reading from one of their favorite poets in a laid back and relaxed setting.
All voices are welcome.
For more information, visit discoverdowntowntempletx.com or call (254) 298-5379.
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