
Blame Game Continues
Blame Game Continues
Blame Game Continues
If you saw Michelle Obama's whimsical presentation of the Oscar winner for best picture last night, you'd think the country was in tip-top shape right now.  The wife of our beloved leader presenting an Academy Award with Jack NIcholson...
New Writer, Same Old Speech
New Writer, Same Old Speech
New Writer, Same Old Speech
Riding the wave of his re-election, President Barack Obama  hit upon themes of the economy, energy, climate change and gun control in his State of the Union address delivered to a joint session of Congress.
Senator Geraldo?
Senator Geraldo?
Senator Geraldo?
TV and radio star Geraldo Rivera is considering a bid for the United States Senate. Rivera, who describes himself as moderate Republican, would run in the 2014 race in New Jersey, a traditionally blue Democratic state. Current Democratic New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg is up for re-election next year, but has yet to announce any plans to seek another term...
Israeli jets enter Lebanon
Israeli jets enter Lebanon
Israeli jets enter Lebanon
An unidentified diplomatic source has reported that Israeli air force jets attacked a target on the Syria-Lebanon border Wednesday night. The attack followed reports of a large deployment of Israeli planes in Lebanon. The Lebanese army reported earlier Wednesday that several squads of Israeli jets were seen violating Lebanese airspace...
The Funniest Fiscal Cliff Memes
The Funniest Fiscal Cliff Memes
The Funniest Fiscal Cliff Memes
Hey, did you hear the good news? We managed to avoid soaring headlong off the fiscal cliff yesterday. Granted, the House pulled the plug on a bill providing emergency aid to people whose lives were destroyed by Superstorm Sandy to do it. But they did it. Hooray!(?)
Obama vs. Romney, Round 3: Highlights From the Final Presidential Debate
Obama vs. Romney, Round 3: Highlights From the Final Presidential Debate
Obama vs. Romney, Round 3: Highlights From the Final Presidential Debate
Tonight in Boca Raton, Florida, President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney sat down for their third and final debate before the upcoming election. Bob Schieffer of CBS News was the moderator. The debate's focus was foreign policy. Here are some noteworthy moments from the discussion: This time, like in the first debate, Obama wore a blue tie and Romney a red one...