How many times have you heard the CDC say use hand sanitizers? The FDA is saying be careful to choose safe hand sanitizers and more are being tested and found not to be safe.
According to the Killeen Daily Herald, over 1,800 people got tested in Killeen for COVID-19 this past week.
People are either being extra cautious and want to know their status, or they have symptoms and want to confirm if they have the coronavirus.
The City of Killeen has extended its temporary COVID-19 testing site at the Killeen Special Events Center located at 3301 S. W.S. Young Drive by a few days this week.
The City of Copperas Cove has responded to questions from residents about a mailer they received that could be causing some confusion about their water service.
We received information from the City of Copperas Cove that there will be another mobile testing site available at the Cove Fire Department on Sept. 22nd.
As cases of COVID-19 continue to rise in Texas, its more important than ever to get tested and residents in Killeen will have the opportunity to get tested for free this weekend.