If Your Power Bill In Texas Is Higher Due To Winter, Try These 9 Things To Lower ItIf Your Power Bill In Texas Is Higher Due To Winter, Try These 9 Things To Lower ItSome of our wallets are hurting that's for sure.Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
How Bad Are Texas Winter Blackouts Compared To Other States In Nation?How Bad Are Texas Winter Blackouts Compared To Other States In Nation?If you're worried about winter blackouts in Texas, you might have good reason to do so.Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
Will The Power Stay On In Texas During This Winter Blast?Will The Power Stay On In Texas During This Winter Blast?The last time we saw temperatures this low across the state, we lost heat. Ryan KramerRyan Kramer
Coldest Places In Texas, New Mexico And ArizonaColdest Places In Texas, New Mexico And ArizonaIf you want a really cold winter, El Paso isn't the best place to be. These other southwest areas will get your teeth chattering though ...Dubba GDubba G
The Worst Natural Disasters That Texas Will Never ForgetThe Worst Natural Disasters That Texas Will Never ForgetDiscover the worst natural disasters in Texas history that changed the state forever.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Can You Catch a Cold Having Wet Hair Outside During Winter?Can You Catch a Cold Having Wet Hair Outside During Winter?The myth is one of several when it comes to catching colds.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Winter Storm Names Revealed And We're Not Ready For The ColdWinter Storm Names Revealed And We're Not Ready For The ColdFebruary is going to be brutal for some folks. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Will It Snow Again This Winter in Texas?Will It Snow Again This Winter in Texas?Don't pack up the winter coats just yet.Chad HastyChad Hasty
New Mexico’s Oldest Ski Resort To Reopen After 2 Year ClosureNew Mexico’s Oldest Ski Resort To Reopen After 2 Year ClosureWinter is in its home stretch and skiers can now, once again, ski at the oldest ski resort in New Mexico.Dubba GDubba G
Is Texas the Most Dangerous State to Drive in During Winter?Is Texas the Most Dangerous State to Drive in During Winter?I’ll be the first to admit to not being a fan of driving in winter weather.Johnny ThrashJohnny Thrash