Temple, Killeen, and Belton ISD’s Receive B’s in TEA Letter Grading
Belton, Temple, and Killeen ISDs received solid scores on their report card from the Texas Education Agency yesterday, with each ISD earning the grade of "B" (on an A-F scale). The local districts are all trending upward after Killeen and Temple earned "C's" in last years report according to News 10.
Outgoing Belton ISD Superintendent Dr. Susan Kincannon has issued a press release that includes her comments about the 2019 accountability ratings issued Thursday. You can read that press release with the button below.
This tool allows you to search for all the school districts in the state and look up their results. Keep in mind these grades are mostly based on the standardized tests taken by kids in grades three to twelve as part of the 2018-2019 calendar school year.
Schools in the Region 12 district that got awarded an A grade include Abbott, Aquilla, Axtell, China Spring, Coolidge, Crawford, Goldthwaite, Holland, Lorena, Midway, Mildred, and Troy ISDs. Two schools scoring on the lower end include Dew and Rosebudd ISD who both got awarded the letter grade of D. No district was awarded an F.
- Temple ISD was up from a C (73) to a B (81).
- Killeen ISD improved from a C (76) to a B (86)
- Belton ISD improved from a B (83) to a B (88)