Texas Senate Revives Previously Stalled ‘Lunch Shaming’ Bill
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The Texas Senate has revived a bill to keep schools from stigmatizing children while trying to collect lunch debts from parents.
Brownsville Democratic Sen. Eddie Lucio included prohibiting "lunch shaming" on a bill studying the cost of a universal school lunch program offered federally. His modified proposal passed Tuesday and now heads to the state House.
Some students who owe lunch debts are currently denied hot meals like pizza and given cheaper options, including cheese sandwiches. Rep. Helen Giddings, a Dallas Democrat, introduced a House measure banning that.
It went on an "uncontested" calendar for non-controversial legislation. But a few tea party-backed lawmakers blocked the entire uncontested calendar, protesting their own failed bills.
That made Giddings declare, "The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who harm our children."
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