Unsuspected Surprise In Duffel Bag Leads To New Home for Tiger
The Associated Press reported that border agents may have been surprised by a discovery they made near the U.S.border back in late April.
A tiger cub was found left abandoned near the U.S. border in a duffel bag. Three people were attempting to enter the United States illegally, and just left the bag at the scene fleeing back into Mexico.
The tiger cub was named Kenobi, and was given a make shift home at Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville. Kenobi was recently moved into a permanent home on Thursday night at an animal sanctuary.
The name of the animal sanctuary is In-Sync Exotics, and it's located 30 miles northest of Dallas in Wylie, Texas. In-Sync Exotics said, "The sanctuary says Kenobi will have a playmate in Kylo Ren , a white tiger cub born there in March shortly after the rescue of his parents."