5 Things You Need To Know Before Voting In Bell County, Texas
Have you ever been to an event and people are waiting outside to either ask you for something, or sell you something? Or, have you ever been influenced in some type of way to do one thing or other? How about here in Killeen, Texas? You may have asked, "Can they do that?"
If you plan on getting out to the polls for the 2022 Midterm Elections, no matter how you cast your vote, here are 5 things you need to know before you head out.
#1 Keep Your Distance
If you are within 100 feet of the polling place, you cannot be handing out your “support my candidate“ flyers, giving out or selling shirts, or heck, even wearing paraphernalia supporting or opposing someone or something on the ballot. That includes slogans, so instead of wearing a 'Legalize It' or pot leave t-shirt (which is on the ballot in parts of Texas, by the way), I suggest you maybe wear a Bob Marley shirt instead. Just saying.
Wearing anything that references a person or issue on the ballot, whether for or against, is considered electioneering, and it's illegal. That means you can't wear your Beto shirt or your Abbott pin to the poll. However, this doesn't apply to candidates or issues that aren't on the ballot, so you can wear your MAGA hat or Obama shirt, since neither person is on the ballot this election.
#2 Sound Off
No really, think you're coming with a fog horn or mega phone? Think again. For example, you cannot use sound amplification devices, like a megaphone, or bump up the volume in your vehicle to influence people going into a polling place if you are within 1000 feet of said polling place.
#3 Curbside Delivery
You think you can’t vote because you are physically unable to? Where there's a will, there's a way! Just ask an election official to bring a ballot out to you. If you are parked curbside there, they will wait for you to finish and then place your ballot in the ballot box for you. If you are disabled, you too can also request assistance at the polls. Tell the election official you need help. Here is a guide of further requirements for assistance eligibility. *You do not need to show proof of your disability.
#4 No Cameras Please
I know our smartphones are a big part of our lives. You must make sure when you go in to vote, you silence those cell phones, because you cannot use a wireless communication device with in 100 feet of voting stations. This also goes for any video or audio recording devices.
By the way, no selfies within 100 feet of the polling place either.
#5 No Voter Intimidation or Bullying Allowed
It doesn’t matter how near or how far you are from the polling place - if you try to influence or intimidate anyone inside or out, this is considered aggressive, and per Texas law, there is zero tolerance. You could be asked to leave in the best case scenario. If things escalate, you could be behind bars.
Where Can I Vote in Bell or Coryell County?
Check out a full list of Bell County voting locations and hours here.
You can find the same information for Coryell County here.
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