Aspiring Firefighters Can Attend Temple Explorer Post Open House
If you know a kid between the ages of 14 and 21 who's interested in being a firefighter, stop by Temple's Fire Training Center, 7268 Airport Road, on Tuesday, February 13 for an open house.
Youth and parents are invited to attend. The open house will begin at 6:00 PM and conclude at 7:30 PM, and there'll be light refreshments.
During the open house, attendees will learn about Temple's Fire Services Explorers - a hands-on discovery program that teaches aspiring firefighters and emergency responders the basic skills and knowledge they'll need as they begin their career.
Fire Explorers will be trained by Temple Firefighters in such topics as firefighting skills, hose lay evolution, ladder techniques, ropes and knots, salvage and overhaul, wildland fire fighting procedures, self-contained breathing apparatus, emergency medical techniques, tools and equipment, and other vital subjects.
Explorers also learn team building, public speaking, leadership, conflict resolution and problem-solving. There are even opportunities within the program for skills competition, as well as providing public service at local events.
Scholarships for higher education are also available on a national competitive basis.
So, if you know a youngster who wants to be a firefighter or emergency responder, it's worth stopping by the open house and learning how to take advantage of this fantastic resource.