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Homeland Chief Faces GOP Critics on Immigration

House Homeland Security Committee Hearing On Presidential Amnesty On Border Security
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ERICA WERNER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The House will vote this week to go on record as disapproving President Barack Obama’s executive actions to curb deportations for millions of immigrants here illegally.

Speaker John Boehner announced the plans in a closed-door meeting with House Republicans Tuesday morning, along with plans to vote next week on must-pass legislation to fund the government.

The two-step approach is an attempt to answer conservative demands to oppose Obama without risking a government shutdown.

The plan for a resolution of disapproval took shape as Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson appeared before a congressional committee to defend the plans, facing withering criticism from Republicans who called it an unconstitutional executive power grab that would incite more illegal immigration.

Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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