A 23-year-old engineering student from India who joined ISIS in May returned home Monday complaining that he was given a mop and bucket instead of a gun.

Areeb Majeed and three friends left Mumbai for Iraq back in May with hopes of joining the Islamic State and participating in jihad. However, things didn’t quite work out the way poor Majeed intended. Instead of being handed a gun, the wannabe holy warrior was given a mop and bucket and tasked with menial chores like fetching water, the Press Trust of India news agency reported.

After suffering an unexplained bullet wound, Majeed phoned home and asked mom and dad to let him come home.

Majeed told NIA officials, “Only after I begged them, I was taken to a hospital. There was neither a holy war nor any of the preaching in the holy book were followed.”

Meanwhile, the father of one of Majeed’s friends is furious and embarrassed about his son’s stupid decision.

Tanvir Sheikh’s son, Fahad, is still missing in Iraq. Fahad was offered a well-paying job in Kuwait, but decided to join ISIS instead.

“I am a patriotic person,” he told the Indian press. “None of my other family members has ever committed an offence or been called to a police station for an inquiry. I feel let down by my son. He had a bright career ahead of him but he took advantage of our love and betrayed us”

India has a Muslim population of around 150 million, who traditionally don’t get involved in Middle Eastern sectarian conflicts. However, ISIS has reportedly been recruiting radical youth from around the globe for several months via extremist websites.

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