Oh look, more road work in Central Texas. Joy!

The good news is that this work won't require streets to be closed, but there could be delays.

The City of Killeen is removing and replacing pavement markings to improve mobility and security. Work will take place between 7 AM and 5 PM (weather permitting), and each location should take about two days to work.

Those locations include:

  • WS Young Drive, from Stagecoach Road to Elms Road
  • Trimmier Road, from Stan Schlueter Loop to Elms Road
  • Trimmier Road, from Jasper Drive to Terrace Drive
  • Elms Road, from SH 195 to Stan Schlueter Loop
  • Elms Road, from John Haedge Drive to Littlerock Road
  • Illinois Avenue, from I-14 to WS Young Drive
  • Westcliff Road, from 60th Street to WS Young Drive
  • Rosewood Drive, from Stagecoach Road to I-14
  • N. Roy Reynolds Drive, from Rancier Avenue to Westcliff Road

Again, those roads will remain open while work is done, but drivers will be routed around work areas to give crews plenty of room.





As always, you'll want to keep a lookout for folks doing their jobs and take your time getting through. Safety first, y'all.

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