Lynn Woolley Logic Minute 2/21/13
I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 2/21/13
From page one: Dallas Morning News – “Conservative evangelical
Christians have become allies in the “path to citizenship” for illegal
aliens. A coalition of religious leaders in Texas and elsewhere have
joined forces to engage their congregations in support of amnesty.
The reason, they say, is the Bible tells them so. But, quoting the
Bible – they know not what they do. If these evangelicals love their
country and believe it has a special place in the world and perhaps
even in God’s heart, they’d better look at the consequences of
amnesty. Obama must be salivating at the thought of millions of new
Democratic voters and thinking now easy it is to fool the masses. The
Church is supposed to be compassionate – but to throw open our borders
to millions of poor immigrants – which is what this is all about – may
make evangelicals feel good. It may also essentially dismantle our
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