A City of Killeen press release has city council members looking for any ministers or pastors who may want to help with prayer at the beginning of meetings.

The Killeen City Council is reaching out asking ministers of Killeen churches if they are interested in a prayer or an invocation at the beginning of their meetings.

City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, and are held at Killeen City Hall, 101 N College Street, at 5:00 p.m.. The ministers that are chosen to offer prayer will be scheduled in a first come, first served manner. The duration of this order will go on through out the end of the calendar year.

These prayers are intended to lend gravity to the proceedings and to remind lawmakers of the common aspiration of a peaceful society. Prayers offered are limited to two minutes and may be of a particular faith, but may not be used to convert the public to a particular belief or to disparage other faiths.

The City of Killeen staff has been attempting to obtain a list of congregations around Killeen and contact every minister about the opportunity. If you know of a congregation that hasn't been contacted, reach out to City Secretary Lucy Aldrich at laldrich@killeentexas.gov.


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