Robotic Mask Police Come To Texas Airport
Texas Mask Mandate
The previous couple of years have been a pain in the tail to say the least. Covid-19 has wreaked havoc across the world, and whether or not you believe in the mask mandates and other COVID-related policies, the fact remains that some measures do help deter infection. We have several mask mandates in the state of Texas, which currently still include airline travel.
Mask on Airplanes
Airline travelers were looking at a potential change in policy with the mask mandate set to end on the 18th of April. The Biden administration has since announced that it will be extending the mandate for travelers through the 3rd of May.
Executive Order GA-38
Governor Abbott put an end to the statewide mask mandate back in March of 2021. Additionally, an order known as GA-38 ensures that no government entity, official, county, city or schools could mandate that any person be required to wear a mask. This does not include government hospitals, state living centers, or jail facilities, which can still use appropriate masking policies.
Dallas Airport Robot
Dallas Love Field has taken a step into the future and is currently testing two new machines at its location. These machines are called “SCOT”, which stands for Security Control Observation Towers. They are designed to assist in the everyday operation of the airport, serving as an informational kiosk among other things.
Robocop Mask Police
These 7 ft tall robots do more than just let you know where the closest vending machine is to your terminal. They are equipped with facial recognition to detect which folks are wearing a mask and identify individuals not wearing one. It also watches for loitering and curbside violations, where it can give increasingly severe verbal warnings as well as contact police and airport security to report violations.
I know we want to keep people safe but I’ve seen Terminator and this has Skynet written all over it.