Syrian Action Raises Questions in Texas Military Circles
The recent bombing action in Syria has prompted a great many questions here at home on what the impact the escalating conflict will have on our military personnel, families and facilities in our Central Texas area.
Those who were living here in Bell County in 2001 remember what happened after 9/11. Deployment overseas meant the population of military personnel and family living on post at Fort Hood and in the surrounding areas was greatly reduced. Some even described it as a skeleton existence for the KIllen area, and a ripple effect on all of Bell County and adjacent counties. This major economic impact on the community only exacerbated the emotional trauma of seeing our military men and women engaged in such a major campaign.
The citizens of Central Texas know how essential personnel at Fort Hood are to a serious military operation because they've been there before. Currently, almost 5,000 Fort Hood soldiers are deployed.
“Texas absolutely plays a key role in ensuring that the U.S. Air Force can provide combat-ready airmen to support combatant commander requirements around the globe, and in particular for the fight against ISIS,” said Air Force spokesman Colonel Pat Ryder, as quoted in the San Antonio Express-News and MySA.com this week.
These developments come at a time of change for FortHood. Lt. General Sean McFarland is just relinquishing command of the largest military base in the United States and the world, effective last Wednesday. The Fort Hood newspaper has all the details so click on the link for the full story.
The San Antonio paper did a great job highlighting what Texas personnel in our US military might be tasked with doing. We know our fighting men and women of the best and we need to keep them in our thoughts and prayers as the situation unfolds.
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