
What to Watch: Abbott Breaths News Life Into Bathroom Bill
What to Watch: Abbott Breaths News Life Into Bathroom Bill
What to Watch: Abbott Breaths News Life Into Bathroom Bill
WILL WEISSERT, Associated Press AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — For months, Gov. Greg Abbott stayed silent and Texas' bathroom bill languished in the Legislature amid mounting criticism from LGBT activists and business groups. Now Abbott's all-in, becoming the nation's first governor to fully embrace the issue...
Norma McCorvey Dies
Norma McCorvey Dies
Norma McCorvey Dies
DALLAS (AP) — Norma McCorvey, the "Jane Roe" at the center of the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, has died. She was 69.
Texas Catholic Priest Under Investigation for Video of Fetus
Texas Catholic Priest Under Investigation for Video of Fetus
Texas Catholic Priest Under Investigation for Video of Fetus
A video of an aborted fetus placed on an altar by a noted anti-abortion activist Priest has drawn the attention of the Bishop of the Diocese where this priest serves. In Anti-Abortion circles, Father Frank Pavone, who is featured above in one of his regular video blogs, is one of the movement's most visible activists...
Texas Abortion Law
Texas Abortion Law
Texas Abortion Law
MARK SHERMAN, Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Abortion is back before the Supreme Court, and the justices could signal by the end of June whether they're likely to take up the biggest case on the hot-button subject in nearly a quarter-century.
Dewhurst Clamps Down
Dewhurst Clamps Down
Dewhurst Clamps Down
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst lost control of the Texas Senate to what he called an "unruly mob" during an abortion debate two weeks ago. He says it won't happen again. The conservative Republican has scheduled a vote on Friday afternoon to impose new restrictions on when, where and how women may obtain an abortion in Texas...

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