
Video Shows Moment Big Rig Gets Swept Away by Flood on Texas Freeway
Video Shows Moment Big Rig Gets Swept Away by Flood on Texas Freeway
Video Shows Moment Big Rig Gets Swept Away by Flood on Texas Freeway
Video Shows Moment Big Rig Gets Swept Away by Flood on Texas Freeway In a nail-biting moment captured on camera, a massive big rig was engulfed by the powerful force of floodwaters on a freeway in Livingston, Texas. Posted recently by @SamicaKnight13, the video at the bottom of this article chronicles this harrowing debacle. Da...
Soldier Pronounced Dead
Soldier Pronounced Dead
Soldier Pronounced Dead
Specialist Darius Cooper's body has not been recovered, but an Army board of inquiry has declared his date of death April 11, 2017 after a months-long search.
Search Enters 10th Day
Search Enters 10th Day
Search Enters 10th Day
It's been ten days since a driver was swept into Clear Creek by flood waters near Turkey Run Road on Fort Hood, and searchers remain determined to find the victim.
Fort Hood Search
Fort Hood Search
Fort Hood Search
Swift-water rescue teams and at least two Apache helicopters have been deployed in the search for a driver whose vehicle was swept off Turkey Run Road Tuesday.