After coming home from a hard day of work, it's acceptable to want a little peace and quiet. But we live in a society. There are cars driving by, dogs, birds, kids - life, if you will. In an effort to raise our children in a healthy manner by supporting outdoor activities whether it's tag or organized sports, you're going to hear children laughing and yelling on occasion. If it's too late to be making a raucous, then have a chat with your neighbor about it. We're in Texas and most of us already know our next-door neighbors.

That's not the case in Plano, Texas today.

Recently a lawsuit was filed between two homeowners in Texas and it's because of children making noise. Mother of four, Kelly Count says her kids love to play outside - it's certainly better than watching TV indoors for hours.

"One of the big reasons we chose the house was because we would be able to move this playhouse," she told CBS 11.

The lawsuit came out of nowhere, according to Count, who says they weren't even confronted about the noise in the first place. The neighbors in question have also been noted to respond to the kids making noise by playing loud music with expletives.

It’s unfathomable to me. I can’t imagine the sound of kids playing at any age or stage of my life and thinking that I needed to sue someone over it.

Her neighbors' official claim is that the children's playhouse is upsetting their "tranquil quality of life and creating noise issues as well as visibility issues for them and their pets."

Counts has countered with a lawsuit of her own.


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