So Long! Could The ‘Texit’ Bill Allow Texas To Leave The US?
One bill that was recently introduced in the Texas legislature is sure to turn the heads of people new to the state, but it's an idea that's been kicked around a lot in recent years - Texit. It's the idea that Texas ought to leave the Union and brave the world alone as it did back in its independent republic days.
But can it be done?
Bryan Slaton Introduces Texit Bill 2023
One lawmaker, Bryan Slaton, tweeted this on March 6th, 2023:
Yes, you read that correctly: the bill, named the Texas Independence Referendum Act, or Texit for short, is exactly what is states. It puts forth the idea that Texas could become its own nation.
"The Texas Constitution is clear that all political power resides in the people," Slaton wrote. "After decades of continuous abuse of our rights and liberties by the federal government, it is time to let the people of Texas make their voices heard."
Before we go any further, let's go into detail on the proposal.
Texit Bill In Detail
According to the finer details of the article, the referendum bill passing wouldn't magically cause Texas to leave the United States immediately. Rather, it would establish a committee to determine if it's feasible for Texas to strike out on its own, and to figure out exactly how we'd go about doing that.

However, there's one big obstacle that's stopped similar bills from passing in the past - leaving the US isn't possible due to previous rulings in law.
Texas Case That Set The Precedent
The Texas Tribune goes into further detail regarding the idea of a state seceding from the Union. One case that is mentioned takes place in 1869. In Texas V. White, the final ruling was that states can not make a unilateral move to just exit the union. Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase described the relationship of individual states to the union as "complete", "perpetual", and "indissoluble".
Texas Can't Split, But It Can Be Split
Jumping back further in time, we see that in the 1845 Joint Resolution for Annexing Texas into the United States, the language allows for splitting Texas into mini states, but says nothing about it being able to leave any time it wants. The latter idea is a myth countless Texans no doubt grew up hearing on the school playground.
"New States of convenient size not exceeding four in number, in addition to said State of Texas and having sufficient population, may, hereafter by the consent of said State, be formed out of the territory thereof, which shall be entitled to admission under the provisions of the Federal Constitution," the 1845 resolution reads.
SCOTUS Judge Confirmed As Recently As 2006
Former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a conservative justice who passed away in 2016, received a letter from a screenwriter back in 2006 asking about the feasibility of a state deciding to leave the Union.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Justice Scalia responded, writing, "If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede."
Texit? Not Any Time Soon
So in short, it doesn't look like Texas is going anywhere for the time being. Texit bills are typically filed as a way for politicians in Austin to call attention to their grievances with the federal government, particularly federal overreach.
What Do You Think?
If Texas could become an independent republic again, would you be for or against it? Do you think Texas could make it on its own? Tap the Chat button in our free app and let us know what you think.