Good Lord! Why Did the Feds Raid This Church in Killeen, Texas?
Assembly of Prayer Christian Church in Killeen, Texas was one of three churches across the country that was raided by the FBI on Thursday.
According to our news partners at KWTX, the FBI raided three different churches across the Southern U.S. on Thursday. Each church was in a close proximity to a military instillation. In Killeen, Assembly of Prayer Christian Church, located at 1013 Massey Street, is close to Fort Hood.

In a statement emailed to KWTX, FBI Special Agent Carmen Portillo said, “I can confirm the FBI was executing court authorized law enforcement activity today in the vicinity of the intersection of Massey St. and E. Rancier Ave., in Killeen, Texas. No additional information will be released at this time.”
Additional Church Raids
Two churches in Georgia were also raided on Thursday by the FBI, the House of Prayer Church in Hinesville, close to Fort Stewart, and Assembly of Prayer in Augusta near Fort Gordon.
All three churches have had some controversy over the years with many believing that the churches are cults that recruit service members. There's no official word that this is the reason these churches were raided by the FBI but there is plenty of speculation as each church has a history of reported abuse and other allegations.
The FBI has not released information on the purpose of the raids saying that the investigation is ongoing.
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