I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 4/9/13

The death of “The Iron Lady,” Margaret Thatcher marks the end of a
great period of global statesmen – and points to the lack of
leadership in the world today. Lady Thatcher despised socialism. She
brought Britain back from the doldrums—breaking the unions, winning
the Falklands War and making her government leaner and more
prosperous. Barack Obama, on the other hand, loves socialism AND
unions and ends wars rather than winning them. Thatcher is famous for
saying “The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other
people’s money,” and “consensus is the absence of leadership.”
Hillary Clinton, our nation’s most famous female politician is famous
for saying – when asked about the murderers of four Americans in
Benghazi, “What difference does it make?” Thatcher, John Paul the
Second and Reagan were giants on the world stage. How we need leaders
like them now.

Join me online at BeLogical dot com. Until next time, be logical.

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