Lynn Woolley Logic Minute 2-19-13
I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 2/19/13
A piece in the New York Times is the latest to slice up the Republican
Party and to opine on why so many pundits are writing its obituary.
The most interesting thing about the piece is its description of focus
groups. In one group, women reacting to the word “Republican” said:
Corporate greed. Old. Middle aged. White men. Rich. Religious.
Narrow minded. – WELL! There are two remedies for this. One,
accepted by most media, is for the GOP to become more like Democrats.
The other is to go after the minds of our youth – just like Democrats
do. They’ve been stacking the deck in schools and in the media for
decades and it’s all now coming to fruition. The Republican Party
needs young people and new blood – people who can passionately explain
the values of the Party. The Democrats are wrongheaded, but they seem
younger and hipper. Republicans must get the youth vote back.
Join me online at BeLogical dot com. Until next time, be logical.