Look Out For Delays in Killeen on Thursday
According to a press release from the city of Killeen, drivers definitely need to be on the lookout on WS Young Drive.
The intersection of WS Young Drive and Interstate 14 access road will have all of its traffic lights in flashing mode on Thursday, March 8th. The duration of the flashing lights will last from 8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m..
Also, lane closures will be taking place on WS Young Drive as well. The southbound outside lane of WS Young Drive will be closed as you approach Interstate 14. Also, the westbound outside lane of the Interstate 14 access road near the intersection will be closed.
Work crews will be making repairs to a traffic signal pole and a mast arm. Delays should definitely be expected, and traffic control personnel will be on the scene to direct traffic.