Speed Limit Change on East Trimmier Road in Killeen
A heads up from the City of Killeen if you travel on East Trimmier Road!
Speed Limits are being reduced as roadwork begins in different areas of Killeen this month. A press release from the city says this will include a reduction in speed on East Trimmier Road from 50 miles per hour to 45 miles per hour coming up Monday 8-5-19.
You'll see the city begin removing and relocating speed limit signs that same day. The new 45-mile-per-hour signs will also be marked by temporary flags to help motorists spot the new speed limit more easily.
The city is warning motorists enforcement of the new speed limit will begin immediately as soon as the new signs are mounted. Translation: They could potentially issue speeding tickets just minutes after the new signs are posted! Yikes! Don't let it be you. Share this info with your friends in Killeen who live near Trimmier and save a few bucks on a speeding ticket.