Spirit Halloween Throws Free Party for Patients at McLane Children’s Medical Center in Temple
Spirit Halloween is bringing smiles to children's hospitals all over the nation.
We joined them this afternoon at their Halloween party for the patients at Baylor Scott & White McLane Children’s Medical Center in Temple.
As soon as the kids walked in it was impossible to not have a huge smile on your face. The goal is to give kids who may miss traditional Halloween festivities a day of games, crafts, and treats to forget about the stresses of that come with being in the hospital. They even get to pick out a free costume through the generosity of Spirit Halloween.
They are accomplishing their goals. Every craft table and game was in use at all times and the smiles us big kids couldn't wipe from our faces didn't match that of the real kids.
I had the very difficult task of "testing" out many of the games right before the kiddos arrived. Someone has to do it and I was just the brave hero who stepped up.
So thank you to Spirit Halloween's Spirit of Children campaign and McLane Children's. You made my day as much as the dozens of children!

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