Temple High School’s Air Force JROTC Earns Distinguished Unit Award
Congratulations to the young men and women of the Temple High School JROTC. They've earned the Distinguished Unit Award for the 2016-17 school year.
It's the biggest award possible without an inspection from the Air Force.
The main criteria for earning this award is to complete an average of 12 community and school service hours per cadet. When you do the math - and since it's high school, it's kind of hard - the number comes out to over 3,300 hours.
Sure, you're thinking, that's not so hard, they're in high school, what else do they have to do? Well, it turns out that many of the cadets at Temple High are also involved in athletics, band, or other fine arts, and some even have a real job to go to after school. This all makes the award even more impressive, as it seems our community is raising young men and women who are very generous with their time.
In a media release, the JRTOC thanked all the teachers and administrators at Temple High School for their support. Without it, this award wouldn't have been possible.
The distinguished Unit Award is presented by the Director of the Air Force Junior ROTC, which is headquartered at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. Wonder if they're going to bring a silver hammer? (Beatles reference. Google it.)