Dallas Cowboy Hall of Fame QB Troy Aikman Visits Fort Hood
It's not every day that a three-time Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboy Hall of Fame Quarterback stops by Fort Hood to visit the troops.

Troy Aikman was on base Tuesday, July 26th for a meet and greet. He also took the time to visit troops who were out training in the field.
Troy Aikman Visits Fort Hood
According to KWTX, Aikman took full advantage of his time at Fort Hood, as he not only did visited soldiers at the Exchange, he then headed into the field to meet and talk with troops from Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Armored Combat Team, and 1st Cavalry Division while at a training range on post.
V.I.P. Treatment for Aikman
Of course, anytime you get a visitor like Troy Aikman, you must roll out the red carpet. During his visit, Aikman was given the full V.I.P. treatment from Fort Hood.
The Fort Hood Press Center reports that Aikman was able to fly in a Blackhawk helicopter, watch the 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment tankers go through drills, and was even able to shoot a round in an Abrams M1A2 SEPv3. They even named a tank 'Aikman' after him, and he was able to take home the case base of the round that he and the crew fired together.
Aikman said about his day on Fort Hood,
“These Soldiers are the heartbeat of America and the real heroes. We often use those terms in athletics but these men and women are the ones who truly make it happen for us. Until you actually go to a base and speak to them and hear their stories, it helps put their lives in perspective. I have the utmost respect for them and I think it has gone up even more just being around them.”
What a great day for both Troy Aikman and all the troops that got a chance to meet him.
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