First Friday Returns to Downtown Temple September 6
Downtown Temple is a local treasure, and in recent years there have been dozens of efforts both big and small to restore it, preserve it, and bring people from Temple and across Central Texas to visit and appreciate it.
One of the more fun efforts is the monthly First Friday celebration, where local restaurateurs and merchants serve up specials, activities, and live music to bring Downtown to life.
Jacob Bates, owner of Bird Creek Burger Co at 6 S Main St, stopped by our studios to talk about the part he plays in making First Friday an event worth flocking too. From the beginning, Jacob said, the idea behind First Friday has been to get people walking around Downtown Temple and having a great time there. The event has been growing since its inception, but that basic goal lies at the heart of every First Friday.
The next Downtown Temple First Friday event happens September 6 from 5:30 PM to 8 PM. It’ll be your chance to see what Downtown has to offer, try some great food and drink, and just enjoy a nice evening out.
Also, mark your calendar for Friday, October 4 for Oktoberfest!