Lynn Woolley Logic Minute 2-25-13
I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 2/25/13
President Obama will blame the “pain” from the Sequester on
Republicans. But still, he doesn’t seem to be sure that HE won’t get
blamed as well. So he’s tightening the screws. Late last week, Obama
give a speech with a laughable list of things the Sequester will do to
make us miserable. For example, in Texas we’ll lose border security,
we’ll wait longer at airports, 48-hundred poor children will lose
access to Head Start. We could see teacher layoffs and widespread
furloughs at Fort Hood. While this is going on, educators marched and
rallied at the state Capitol on Saturday, demanding that five point
four billion dollars be restored to Texas schools. The Sequester cuts
are tiny – but aimed squarely at the military and some people will be
affected. Still, if we don’t cut now, then when? What we are being
told is that no government program can ever be cut for any reason ever
– not even to save the country.
Join me online at BeLogical dot com. Until next time, be logical.