Logic Minute 3-5-13
I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 3/5/13
The United States is not looking much like Ronald Reagan’s shining
city on a hill right now – but don’t despair. If you’re someone who
loves freedom, smaller government, low taxes, and the right to pursue
your own happiness -- there are reasons to be optimistic. First and
foremost is this inconvenient truth: The policies of the Left are
completely and totally unsustainable. We’re beginning to see it now.
The President wants higher and higher taxes because he needs the cash
to keep his expensive government running. The Affordable Healthcare
Act is turning out to be anything but. Most Americans don’t like it.
As it becomes more ominous, some groups will from alliances to slow it
down or even abolish it. Obamacare, as a matter of fact, is the now
the number one threat to freedom. The more good people realize this
and start to push back, the sooner we can get our nation back on the
road to freedom. And we will!
Join me online at BeLogical dot com. Until next time, be logical.