I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 11/7/12

It appears that we have reached a critical point. The American people just re-elected a failed president based on contraception, racial solidarity, and free stuff like Obamaphones. The President dominated the swing states while Republicans talked themselves into believing the polls were skewed. They weren’t.

Our video-game, American Idol society did not know about – or did not care about scandals like Benghazi and Fast and Furious. The mainstream media protected him – but that’s no excuse.

The people were indeed stupid enough to vote for four more years of what we’ve just been through. And now Obama will turn to the rest of his agenda: immigration, energy, and climate change. I suspect, if he can’t be stopped, that we are facing an economic depression. Bottom line. The Tea Party had no effect, the Republican leadership has to go and we can’t keep nominating the next guy in line.

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